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Young Birders Club

Oakland Owlets




Our goal is to teach young people and their families the importance

of bird life and nature in the community through programs and

outdoor experiences.  You will learn and develop skills through stewardship

while having fun. The club is directed to young people ages 8 to 18.




1) The Young Birders Club is open to young birders of any skill level 

between ages 8-18, but younger birders with real interest are also welcome.


2) Young birders must be accompanied by a parent during all activities.

Young birders age 16-18 can participate without parental

accompaniment provided a permission/waiver form has been signed

by a parent.


3) Young Birders are encouraged to maintain a

OBA family membership.


General Information: 


1) Young Birders must complete the attached form

and bring to an event to participate.

Click HERE to download.


2) We recommend that young birders have their own

binoculars (light weight) and a field notebook.

There is the possibility of sharing or borrowing binoculars on

outings but this cannot be guaranteed.


3) Transportation to event locations is the responsibility of the parent unless otherwise indicated.


4) Be sure to dress for the weather.


5) All Young Birder Club activities will be canceled during severe weather conditions (snowstorms, tornado/thunderstorms). Please check with activity leaders when in doubt.


         Upcoming Activities

**Pre-registration is required. Please contact the field trip leader at to register **





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